Dear visitors, we are pleased to greet you on our internet portal devoted to ecology and sustainability. You are here and this means you are not indifferent to the environment and you want to contribute to environmental sustainability and to making the world around us cleaner.
All materials on this portal are in one way or another directed at discussion of waste management and looking for solutions to the issues of environmental pollution caused by the products (wastes) of human activities.
Wastes are classified and are of the following types:
- Domestic waste, which can be divided into MSW (municipal solid waste) and LSW (liquid solid waste). These include obsolete equipment such as TVs, washing machines, microwaves, refrigerators, computers, telephones, batteries, etc.
- Industrial waste, which includes oil waste, drill cuttings, slag and bottom ash, galvanic waste, concrete waste, contaminated soil, fuel oil, etc.
- Agricultural waste, which includes pesticide and fertilizer residues, crop and livestock waste, leaf litter, etc.
- Hazardous waste, subdivided into toxic, radioactive, including Mercury, ammonia, radiology waste, luminescent lamps, chemical waste, acid waste etc.
Medical waste is no less dangerous than radioactive waste. In each developed country, greater attention is given to this management and utilization of this type of waste.
Daily all around the world a large amount of waste substances of various forms are emitted into the surrounding world: heat, gas, smoke, solid objects, etc. All this affects the well-being of the Earth as a whole, and, as a result, the health of the people themselves.
We are not able to influence all people of the world, but we can start with ourselves. Повлиять на людей всего мира мы не в силах, но сделать так, чтобы человек начал с самого себя вполне возможно.
First – we can recycle our domestic waste – separate glass, paper, plastic, organic and other waste for its subsequent recycling.
Buy a couple of bins for:
- plastic, packaging & foil;
- paper and carton;
- metal;
- other waste.
These days many countries have made waste recycling mandatory and you find separate waste collection bins in every street or neighborhood.
Second – we can reduce the use of cars and opt for public transport or electric cars.
It is well-known that electric and hybrid cars have more limitations and are more expensive. For instance, hybrid Toyota Prius costs 40-50% more than Toyota Corolla, which is similar in its marameters and configuration.
However, the future cost of car use compensates the high price by small consumption of gasoline, whereby hybrid cars consume almost twice less gasoline.
If you need to dispose of an old car, you can bring it to the specialized site for the car utilization.
Third, and the most simple contribution to ecological sustainability is not to throw away various household items – bring them to the specialized recycling sites. Some organizations even buy and collect old equipment for spare parts:
- refrigerators,
- washing machines,
- computers,
- telephones,
- TVs,
- microwaves, etc.
When you throw domestic devices into rubbish bins, they are generally taken to the waste sites and burned as part of the household waste whereby emitting harmful substances into the air.
Batteries and accumulators are very harmful and dangerous for the environment. Do not throw them away with general rubbish, take them to the collection points, which are now available in most municipal offices and many large shopping malls and supermarkets. Besides, lead-acid batteries may be sold for re-use!
There are numerous factors negatively affecting the ecological environment. Separate waste collection, bringing household appliances to recycling locations and using more sustainable vehicles is the minimum each of us can do to improve ecological sustainability of our planet.